Soluciones LECO para Agricultura y medio ambiente
Designed for Agricultura y medio ambiente

Serie 828
Análisis de Macrocombustión para el Analizador de Carbono, Hidrógeno, Nitrógeno y Proteínas
Explore Serie 828

Analizador Termogravimétrico de humedad, ceniza, contenido de material volátil y pérdidas al fuego
Explore TGA801
Notas de aplicación de
Obtenga más información con nuestras últimas notas de aplicación de Agricultura y medio ambiente.
Analysis of Musty Odorous Compounds in Drinking Water by SPME GC-TOFMS
Complaints received by drinking water industries are often related to bad taste and/or unpleasant odors in drinking water. Most complaints involve the presence of chlorine or earthy/musty-smelling compounds. These issues can lead consumers to perceive the water as "unsafe", even though the substances causing the issues are typically not harmful. Reliable detection, identification, and quantification of the analytes behind these unpleasant tastes and odors in drinking water is essential for addressing these problems effectively. The Pegasus BTX GC-TOFMS system offers a solution to this challenge with the acquisition of full mass spectra even at concentrations below 50 pg/L, thanks to its exceptional sensitivity.
- Analysis of Phytosanitary Products in Surface Water and Groundwater Using GCxGC-TOFMS
Expand Your PFAS Analysis – Screen for Targets and Identify Unknowns Simultaneously
Pegasus BTX Application Note - PFAS
Identifying a Targeted Disinfection Byproduct in Wildfire Ash Water Extract by GC-TOFMS
Wildfires increase the risk of negative chemical reactions with municipal water treatment processes.
Determination of Total Organic Carbon in Soil, Rock, and Shale by Acid Digestion and Combustion
Determination of Total Organic Carbon in Soil, Rock, and Shale by Acid Digestion and Combustion'' using our C832/SC832 instrument, with the new non porous ceramic boats
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