836 Series Elemental Analysis for Oxygen, Nitrogen, and Hydrogen Detection
The ONH836 Oxygen/Nitrogen/Hydrogen Elemental Analyzer is designed for wide-range measurement of oxygen, nitrogen, and hydrogen content of inorganic materials, ferrous and nonferrous alloys, and refractory materials using the inert gas fusion technique. Automation and our Cornerstone brand touch-screen software come together to streamline your analysis, while a robust design ensures reliability.
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- A robust sample loading area simplifies routine maintenance and minimizes atmospheric contamination
- Triple IR cells for oxygen detection allows the widest detection range in the industry
- Increase laboratory productivity with automation options
- Available autocleaner minimizes the need for manual cleaning between analysis
- 20-position shuttle loader for both crucibles and samples
- Boom-mounted touch-screen interface provides improved ergonomics and intuitive operation
- State-of-the-art infrared (IR) and thermal conductivity (TC) detectors, with no moving parts and no manual adjustments
- Improved TC cell stability
- Bypassable OMI-2 carrier gas scrubber for enhanced TC cell stability
- Patented Dyanamic Flow Compensation further enhances TC cell stability
Special Purpose Derivatives
H836EN Model
- High precision analysis of low-level hydrogen in aluminum; ferrous, titanium, and other alloy types are also supported
- Software support for stepped temperature furnace profiles supporting the speciation of surface and bulk hydrogen of aluminum
- EN sample drop, upper electrode, and crucibles are designed to support larger low-level samples like aluminum slugs or depleted uranium pellets
- Replacement for RHEN602 Hydrogen Determinator
O836Si Model
- Unmatched low-level sensitivity with solid-state infrared detection, novel sample loading, and programmable impulse furnace
- Ideal for oxygen detection in the silicon industry (silicon wafers), metals industry, and the electronics industry (high purity copper)
Theory of Operation
The ONH836 Oxygen/Nitrogen/Hydrogen system is designed for simultaneous wide-range measurement of oxygen, nitrogen, and hydrogen content of steel, refractory metals, and other inorganic materials. The instrument features custom software designed specifically for touch operation.
A pre-weighed sample is placed in a graphite crucible which is heated in an impulse furnace to release analyte gases. Oxygen present in the sample reacts with the graphite crucible to form CO and CO2. An inert gas carrier, typically helium, sweeps the liberated analyte gases out of the furnace, through a Mass Flow Controller, and through a series of detectors. CO and CO2 are detected using non-dispersive infrared (NDIR) cells. The gas then flows through a heated reagent where the CO is oxidized to form CO2, and H2 is oxidized to form H2O. The gas continues through another set of NDIR cells where H2O and CO2 are detected. The CO2 and H2O are then scrubbed out of the carrier gas stream, leaving the final analyte, nitrogen, as the only impurity.
A patented Dynamic Flow Compensation (DFC) system is used to add carrier gas as a makeup for the gas lost during the scrubbing process. A Thermal Conductivity (TC) detector is used to detect nitrogen. The detection system is comprised of both NDIR and TC detectors. NDIR cells are based on the principle that analyte gas molecules absorb infrared (IR) energy at unique wavelengths within the IR spectrum. Incident IR energy at these wavelengths is absorbed as the gases pass through the IR absorption cells. The complete set of CO and CO2 NDIR cells is required to give the most accurate oxygen results for a wide range of sample types and concentrations. TC detection takes advantage of the difference in thermal conductivity between carrier and analyte gases. Resistive TC filaments are placed in a flowing stream of carrier gas and heated by a bridge circuit. As analyte gas is introduced into the carrier stream, the rate at which heat transfers from the filaments will change producing a measurable deflection in the bridge circuit.
The concentration of an unknown sample is determined relative to calibration standards. To reduce interferences from instrument drift, reference measurements of pure carrier gas are made prior to each analysis.

Oxygen, Nitrogen, and Hydrogen Analyzer
Oxygen and Nitrogen Analyzer
Oxygen and Hydrogen Analyzer
Oxygen Analyzer
Hydrogen Analyzer
High-precision Hydrogen Analyzer
Nitrogen Analyzer
Nitrogen and Hydrogen Analyzer
Oxygen Analyzer for Silicon Wafers
Sample Autoloader
Recirculating Chiller
Sound Reduction Vacuum Enclosure
Instrument Brochures
Featured Applications
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