ChromaTOF Gas Chromatography Analytical Software
Developed exclusively by LECO, ChromaTOF is uniquely designed to meet the needs of today’s laboratory professionals by processing and analyzing the large amounts of data that are acquired with our time-of-flight instruments. ChromaTOF offers seamless control of both the instrument and its accessories, as well as an intuitive interface with highly integrated data processing. ChromaTOF is the first mass spectrometry data system to fully accommodate multidimensional chromatographic data (GCxGC).
What Makes ChromaTOF Unique?
- Data processing is automatically saved within the file system–no extra steps are needed and you can always come back to where you left off
- Data file system stores and manages meta and instrument data for you
- All standard features are contained within one software package; control for some compatible options is built-in and can be activated when needed
- Easy-to-use, yet powerful, efficient, and robust
- Frequently updated for improved maintenance and additional feature development
ChromaTOF encapsulates the industry’s most advanced qualitative and quantitative capabilities in one user-friendly data-handling system. Supports both Pegasus BT and Pegasus GC-HRT instrument platforms.
What can ChromaTOF do?
- Automatic tuning and associated report generation
- Absolute concentration of analytes based on calibration curve
- Relative quantitation based on a reference’s or analyte’s curve
- Quantitation from a single channel detector (Flame Ionization Detection [FID])
- Importable ready-to-use workspace templates for access to preferred user interfaces and reduced set-up times
- Deconvoluted spectra are easily searched against the latest NIST, Wiley, or user-created library for identification
- Semi-Quantitative Analysis for the reporting of non-calibrated compounds
- Integrated control of a variety of sample handling options from LECO and Agilent; contact closure for other vendors
- Automatically export data to CSV, ANDI MS, NETCDF, or LECO file formats
- Compatibility with LECO’s liquid nitrogen or consumable-free GCxGC thermal modulator
- GCxGC Classification development tools
- Integrated control of GC
- Search for unknown unknowns with ChemSpider
- Helpful tools to:
– Calculate monoisotopic mass from formulae
– Generate formulae from measured mass
– Calculate mass resolution needed to separate 2 masses - Available as a 90-day Free Trial, 1-year Subscription, or Perpetual License
Features Exclusively for Pegasus High-resolution models
- Automated unknown identification with High Resolution Deconvolution algorithm
- Automatic fragment formula generation and corresponding mass accuracies from NIST generated library matches
- Create and use Accurate Mass Spectral Libraries. New LECO Accurate Mass Library, built for the GC-HRT+ gives you complete confidence that a hit is strong identification. Calculate a similarity score (AML Rank) based on accurate masses
- User-scalable mass defect plots; e.g. Kendrick mass defect scale
- Optional Spectral Analysis Tool add-on allows you to use Van Krevelen and Carbon Number versus RDBE (ring double bond equivalents) plots, and many other advantage
Features for Pegasus Benchtop models
- Automated unknown identification with Non-target Deconvolution algorithm
- Full profile mass spectra are acquired at 35 kHz with better than nominal resolution

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