Soluciones LECO para Espectrometría de masas

Designed for Espectrometría de masas



Software analítico de cromatografía de gases

Explore ChromaTOF
Sistema de clasificación de identificación

Sistema de clasificación de identificación

Lleve el poder de la masa precisa y la confianza a sus problemas de identificación

Explore Sistema de clasificación de identificación
ChromaTOF Tile

ChromaTOF Tile

Análisis de datos de GCxGC-TOFMS: Convierta sus datos en química

Explore ChromaTOF Tile


Modulador de flujo GCxGC

Explore FLUJO


Automuestreador de GC

Explore L-PAL3
Fuente multimodo

Fuente multimodo

Fuente de ionización para espectrometría de masas por cromatografía de gases

Explore Fuente multimodo
Pegasus GC-HRT

Pegasus GC-HRT

GC-TOFMS de alta resolución

Explore Pegasus GC-HRT
Pegasus BT

Pegasus BT

Espectrometría de masas de tiempo de vuelo por cromatografía de gases

Explore Pegasus BT
Pegasus GC-HRT 4D

Pegasus GC-HRT 4D

GC×GC-TOFMS de alta resolución

Explore Pegasus GC-HRT 4D
Pegasus BT 4D

Pegasus BT 4D

Espectrómetro de masas de tiempo de vuelo GCxGC

Explore Pegasus BT 4D
QuadJet SD

QuadJet SD

La detección de ionización de llama cumple con GCxGC

Explore QuadJet SD

Notas de aplicación de

Obtenga más información sobre nuestras soluciones para Espectrometría de masas con nuestra biblioteca de notas de aplicación relacionadas.

  • Flavor Comparison of Indian Masalas

    Characterizing and understanding specific chemicals associated with aroma and flavors in a complex sample, like masala, can be beneficial for a wide range of purposes in the food, flavor, and fragrance industry. Among other objectives, detailed chemical information can be used for quality control, process optimization, reverse engineering of desired aroma characteristics, and to better understand a product/sample of interest. This application note demonstrates an easy workflow using statistical tools, and how a single GCxGC-TOFMS method can uncover a broad chemical profile that may be relevant to many unanswered analytical questions.

  • Tracking the Chemical Profile of a Food Through the Spoilage Process with GCxGC and ChromaTOF Sync 2D

    In this work, we explore the process of food spoilage by tracking the degradation of tomatoes. While this is a specific look at a tomato, an understanding of general food deterioration is important as spoilage impacts the quality and safety of food products and has significant financial implications. Until a process like this is well understood, evaluating the chemical profile and the changes is generally a non-targeted discovery task. For food spoilage, many of the changes that occur will be reflected in the volatile and semi-volatile components of the sample. The aroma profile of the sample itself changes, and chemical markers of microbial activity are also likely to form. GC and TOFMS are well-established techniques for these types of non-targeted characterizations of volatile and semi-volatile analytes and are well-suited for this type of investigation.

  • Analysis of Musty Odorous Compounds in Drinking Water by SPME GC-TOFMS

    Complaints received by drinking water industries are often related to bad taste and/or unpleasant odors in drinking water. Most complaints involve the presence of chlorine or earthy/musty-smelling compounds. These issues can lead consumers to perceive the water as "unsafe", even though the substances causing the issues are typically not harmful. Reliable detection, identification, and quantification of the analytes behind these unpleasant tastes and odors in drinking water is essential for addressing these problems effectively. The Pegasus BTX GC-TOFMS system offers a solution to this challenge with the acquisition of full mass spectra even at concentrations below 50 pg/L, thanks to its exceptional sensitivity.

  • Quantitation of Olefin Content in Plastic-Derived Pyrolysis Oils – QuadJet SD

    Comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography with flame ionization detection (GCxGC-FID) has proven to be one of the most effective analytical methods for analyzing complex mixtures, allowing for the detailed separation and identification of the hydrocarbons present while providing efficient, high-resolution chromatographic separations.

  • Satisfying ASTM D8396 Requirements Paradigm GCxGC-FID

    This application note describes how to use a simple workflow with the LECO Paradigm system to fulfill the requirements of the ASTM D8396 test method to quantitatively determine mass % of total n-paraffins, iso-paraffins, naphthenes, 1-ring aromatics, and 2-ring aromatics using reverse-fill flush flow modulated comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography–flame ionization detection (GCxGC-FID). Understanding of bulk composition is crucial for fast-track certification of synthetic aviation fuels as outlined in ASTM D4054, and the more accurate group-type analysis results provided by GCxGC assist with streamlining the acceptance process.


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