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Cartera de instrumentos

Pegasus BT 4D

Espectrómetro de masas de tiempo de vuelo GCxGC

Pegasus GC-HRT 4D

GC×GC-TOFMS de alta resolución

QuadJet SD

La detección de ionización de llama cumple con GCxGC

Modulador de flujo Paradigm y separador de flujo Shift

Mejore la capacidad máxima de GC sin sacrificar la precisión

Notas de aplicación

Obtenga más información sobre nuestras soluciones para GCxGC con nuestra biblioteca de notas de aplicación relacionadas.

Noticias o historias

12 junio 2024 Metabolomics Society Celebrates 20 Years

This year marks the 20th annual conference of the Metabolomics Society! LECO is excited to be a sponsor for Metabolomics 2024, starting on 16 June and ending 20 June, and we’re counting down the minutes until the conference begins. Held in the buzzing metropolis of Osaka, Japan, this event is the largest metabolomics meeting worldwide. […]

30 junio 2023 Excellence in GC-MS Applications

LECO, in partnership with The Analytical Scientist, is pleased to announce the winners of our Application Challenge! Learn more about novel and interesting applications of GC-MS through interviews with the winners.

9 junio 2023 GCxGC Data Handling: ChromaTOF Tile

Overwhelmed by the volume of data produced by GCxGC-TOFMS? LECO’s ChromaTOF software offers data analysis add-ons that push GCxGC-TOFMS capabilities beyond what was previously feasible.

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Pósteres y presentaciones

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